Taranaki Iwi
Please note: These items are a pre order. We do not currently hold any samples at this time.
Taranaki Iwi are thrilled to add NEW merchandise, with one of the highlights being the Ngā Pāhuki crews and hoodies. These items talk about the Taranaki Iwi lands that extend along the coastal and mountain areas between Ōuri and Rāwa o Turi stream in the south and Ōnukutaipari in the north. These stratch inland to Te Whakangerengere on the north eastern flank of the mountain, up the Waipuku stream to Te Tahuna o Tūawa (Warwicks Castle), over to Panitahi (Fanthoms Peak) and down to Mangoraukawa (Lake Drive) and the source of the Ōuri stream. Following the Ōuri stream water course down, a deviation is then made to the headwaters of the Rāwa o Turi stream to the boundary stone of Matirawhati at its mouth.